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Social responsibility commitment letter

1 The Company's social responsibility policy

Be a socially responsible company.

2. Commitment to social responsibility
The Company is committed to complying with the Provisions on the Prohibition of the Use of Child Labor and the Labor Law, and in the daily course of business to comply with the following provisions:
1. Child Labor
The Company does not employ or support child labor.
2. Forced labor
The Company prohibits employees from paying deposits or storing ID cards and other documents at the time of employment, as well as prison labor, indentured labor, debt labor, slave labor, forced labor as a means of punishment, involuntary labor behavior.
3. Discrimination
The Company does not discriminate in hiring, pay, training, promotion, dismissal or other matters based on race, sex, social class, nationality, religion, disability or political affiliation.
4. The right to free association and collective bargaining
The Company respects and does not interfere with any of its employees' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
5. Health and safety
The company is committed to providing employees with a healthy and safe working environment to reduce the dangers at work.
6. Working hours
The Company complies with applicable laws and industry standards regarding timing.
7. Salary
The Company shall pay its employees at least the minimum wage standard stipulated by the local government laws, and the calculation method of working hours shall comply with the law.

Iii. Commitment to abide by laws and regulations and relevant rules.
The Company undertakes to comply with all applicable laws and regulations; Industry standard; International Labour Organization and United Nations conventions and any other more demanding relevant regulations and company systems.
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